Category: Essay

  • My Personal History with Poetry

    Today is the first day of National Poetry Month. It has been 28 years since it was launched, in 1996, by the Academy of American Poets. Thinking about this made me think of my own personal history with poetry. When I thought of this history, at first, I believed I didn’t have a history with…

  • Paper Dolls

    I remember as a young girl I played with paper dolls. I remember looking through the paper doll magazine and admiring the pretty paper clothes and the dolls in the back cover. I remember gingerly punching out the clothes along their perforated edges so as not to rip them. I remember folding the tabs on…

  • You First: A Gotham Writers Prompt

    “I dare you!” one child said. “No! I dare you!!” said another. “No you go first!! “No you go!! “Let’s go together.” “I don’t want to go at all!” This was the game the children would play when they passed by the dilapidated blue framed house. The wood porch sagged on one side, like a…

  • Night Garden

    I dream of planting a flower garden but one that blooms by night. A garden filled with flowers that come alive under the moonlight. I see myself sitting in a gazebo of chestnut wood with screen lined windows. It stands in the middle of my garden where the moonlight can shine upon it. The bench…

  • June Bloom: A Gotham Writers Prompt

    On June 1st a flower was born.  Was it a rose? A carnation? No, nothing as fancy as that.  She was a wildflower with a sturdy stalk, growing in the weeds of the city.  You know, the kind young children would pick and arrange and present as gifts to their moms or their childhood crushes. …